Thoughts about aging and appreciation | 年老與感謝 | | A speech President Ma recently made at an educational center for the elderly reminded me not only of aging in general, but also of the importance of older people in our lives. | 馬總統最近在某老人育樂中心所做的演講,不但提醒我變老這件事,而且也提醒了我,老年人在我們生活中的重要性。 | | Do I worry about growing old? Sure, I worry some about it. From where I stand today, however, the wrinkles on my face and the grey in my hair seem mostly advantageous. I hope these signs of aging speak of experience, of ups as well as downs, and of a boat no longer new that is heading steadily for a harbor called wisdom. | 我會不會擔心變老?我當然有一點擔心。不過就我現在的立場來看,我臉上的皺紋和頭上的白髮似乎還蠻有用的。我希望這些變老的徵兆代表了經驗、人生起伏、以及一艘老舊卻平穩駛向智慧之港的船隻。 | | President Ma referred primarily to help for the elderly in material ways. | 馬總統主要是指在物質方面給予老人協助。 | | But at the same time, we can also be more aware of little things we could do to show a little tenderness and appreciation for the elderly in daily life. When crossing busy intersections, do we ever take a moment to help someone older to carry a heavy bag? If you're in college and pass older professors in the hallway, do you think of their years of service and greet them with courtesy? | 不過,我們同時也可以更留意我們能夠做的小事情,對日常生活中的老人展現一點溫柔與感謝。在過繁忙的十字路口時,是否曾經停下腳步幫年長的人提笨重的提袋?如果你在大學,在走廊和老教授擦身而過時,你是否曾經想過他們多年來的服務,禮貌地向他們問候? | | I have a couple of aunts who are no longer spring blossoms. I've an uncle who is 91. It is time again to pick up the telephone to let them know I'm thinking of them. | 我有兩個不再年輕貌美的姑姑,還有一個九十一歲的伯父。該是再度拿起電話,讓他們知道我掛念著他們的時候了。 | | | >>單字 >>Podcast | | | |
| •編織好手藝:從生活到創作 用草編織成的童玩,是生活在今日電視、電玩世界只會用手指操控遙控器的人,所無法體會的經驗和樂趣!•膽固醇愈少愈好? 膽固醇與心血管疾病的關係密切,對我們的健康影響重大。因此,對膽固醇必須要有正確的認知。快來打破對膽固醇的迷思! | | | |
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由 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿 於 3/31/2009 01:39:00 上午 張貼在