Arnie escapes salvation | 沒有阿諾的「魔鬼終結者」 | | Ex-music-video maker and "Charlie's Angels" director McG, ignoring the constraints of time and space, and the essential insanity of the original trilogy, approaches "Terminator Salvation" far more seriously than the tone of previous installments. | 前音樂錄影帶製作人暨「霹靂嬌娃」導演麥克G在拍攝「魔鬼終結者:未來救贖」時,完全不理會時空限制與原先三部曲不可或缺的瘋狂劇情,使本片的調性遠比先前幾集更加嚴肅。 | | But he doesn't skimp on the scary stuff. McG drops us in 2018, with Skynet's machines well into their campaign against humankind. John Connor (Christian Bale) is at this point an uncooperative lieutenant to Gen. Ashdown (Michael Ironside). | 但麥克G並未忽略恐怖的劇情,他將大家帶到西元二Ο一八年,「天網」機器人與人類的對抗正在如火如荼進行。約翰康納(克里斯丁貝爾飾)當時是艾許頓將軍(麥可艾朗賽飾)手下抗命的中尉。 | | The wild card in all this is Marcus (Sam Worthington), a death row inmate turned cyborg. The opening scene of the film finds Marcus being visited in his cell by a, cancer-stricken Dr. Serena Kogan (Helena Bonham Carter). Marcus reawakens, post-lethal injection, during the war. Marcus the machine is a far more interesting character than Connor, whom Bale portrays with a single-minded focus that is less engaging than Marcus and his conflicts. | 馬克斯(山姆沃辛頓飾)是這一切最大的變數,他是一名變成機器人的前死刑犯。在本片一開始的場景中,罹患癌症的瑟琳娜寇根博士(海倫娜波漢卡特飾)來到馬克斯的囚房,在戰爭期間,被注射毒物的馬克斯「死而復生」。機器人馬克斯這個角色比康納有趣多了,他「天人交戰」的情緒,也比一心一意的貝爾更加引人入勝。 | | The dark mood of "Terminator Salvation," which is relieved occasionally by the script going completely out to lunch, might have come off as pretentious but instead seems relatively believable. The action is startling, and it adds to a movie that's as believable as it can be when its subjects are humanity under attack, rebel forces, and warfare by remote control. Anything resembling real life in "T4" is no doubt a total coincidence. | 氛圍黑暗、劇情偶爾會「脫稿演出放鬆一下」的「魔鬼終結者:未來救贖」,或許會顯得有點矯揉做作,但反而還算相當可信。本片的動作場景驚心動魄,不管是人類遭受攻擊、反抗軍與遙控戰爭等主題,都會讓本片更具可信性。「魔鬼終結者:未來救贖」任何雷同現實生活的事物,無疑完全是巧合。 | | | >>單字 >>Podcast | | | |
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