

2009年5月3日 星期日

[澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿] 2009 Kaohsiung Lantern Festival╱2009高雄燈會

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2009/05/04 第16期∣訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱
2009 Kaohsiung Lantern Festival
【Text by Fu-Ju Lin;Photos by Chung-Hui Pao】

The event that everyone most looks forward to after nine days of Chinese New Year holidays is the Lantern Festival. This year, Kaohsiung Lantern Festival started early on January 31st. Fireworks, water dances and lanterns made Love River and Kaohsiung Harbor the most beautiful spots.

The Main Lantern "Speedy Ox in The World Games; Love•Happiness in Kaohsiung"

In addition to the unique water concept, this year's festival had a theme associated with the World Games, which will kick off in July. The theme show "Speedy Ox in The World Games; Love.Happiness in Kaohsiung" reveals Kaohsiung's full determination in welcoming The World Games.

The 2009 Kaohsiung Lantern Festival had six characteristics that topped the other festivals. First, the harbor side Speedy Ox Theme Lantern, together with the newly designed awe-inspiring fireworks and water dance, created a four-dimensional spectacle in the sky, the harbor, the river and on land. Second, the 10-floor high Love River Magic Box projecting light and shadow effects and the cute Mascot Spotlight standing in the center of Love River welcomed everyone. Third, The World Games Carnival at Love Pier, which combined fun rides with The World Games activities, was great for families.

Fourth, the giant theme lantern riding on the sea utilized environmentally friendly materials. Its heart shaped screen broadcasted different lantern shows and The World Games video clips. Fifth, the "High Altitude Fireworks" were the best in Taiwan. The show featured international award winning fireworks and the "W 2009" fireworks which brightened Kaohsiung's night and symbolized the coming of The World Games. Sixth, the 2009 Kaohsiung Lantern Festival was integrated with charity. Performances were given by local and international groups over the 16 days of the festival. Stands were set up for minority groups where people could participate in the "One Dollar For Small Lantern" and other charity activities. Kaohsiung Lantern Festival was indeed full of "Love.Happiness" .

The opening ceremony on the 31st was hosted by President Ma and Mayor Chu Chen. With everyone's anticipation, they pressed the button to ignite the lantern at 7:00 p.m. The Speedy Ox Theme Lantern and the high-rise heart shaped screen sent out colorful beams which revealed the theme of "Love.Happiness". Fireworks and the water dance set off simultaneously. The gorgeous display of fireworks and lanterns accompanied by music inspired water dance was powerful and yet sometimes tender. The audience cheered repeatedly at the amazing scene.

The theme show "Speedy Ox in The World Games; Love.Happiness in Kaohsiung" which integrated water dances, theme lanterns and fireworks was the climax of the festival every day. The show featured special light effects. The theme song was a collaboration between Grammy winner Jamii Szmadzinski and Taiwanese super band Mayday. The combination of classic and rock music unfolded an unprecedented vitality. Each day, when the show started, crowds gathered around and cheered for the performances.

The 2009 Kaohsiung Lantern Festival provided a variety of activities. It declared that Kaohsiung residents are ready for the coming World Games. The success of the Lantern Festival ensured everyone that The World Games in July 2009 will be an impressive grand event.








而這個由水舞、主燈、煙火搭配的「奔牛迎世運、高雄愛幸福」主題秀,更是每日燈會活動的最高潮。除了讓人目不暇給的燈光效果外,主題音樂由葛萊美獎得主Jamii 與台灣超人氣音樂團體五月天合作,當古典遇上搖滾,展現跨界的空前氣勢。每天一到表演時間,就是萬人鑽動,驚嘆歡呼聲此起彼落。



匹茲堡交響樂團與維也納國家歌劇院合唱團 結合國內外菁英演唱家 極致組合 世紀之作 打造獨一無二的感官盛宴 一場對世界新地標– 高雄世運主場館輝煌落成的最高獻禮!


從慢跑悟出理債哲學的 王中平


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由 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿 於 5/03/2009 07:30:00 下午 張貼在 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿


