Well-intentioned 'gan bei!' is not always good | 善意「乾杯」恐導致不良後果 | | A 35-year-old groom was challenged to keep up with his buddies at his wedding banquet as they downed drinks. He reportedly drank a bottle and a half of wine and four bottles of beer. Soon afterwards he collapsed in his hotel room, and wound up dead on arrival at a local hospital. | 一名卅五歲的新郎在婚宴上被好友灌酒。根據報導,新郎喝了一瓶半的葡萄酒和四瓶啤酒,沒多久,他昏倒在飯店房間裡,結果在被送抵當地醫院之前,就已經死亡了。 | | Doctors later attributed cause of death not only to the alcohol. Technically, the man died of a heart attack. Since the victim had a history of asthma, speculation was that a flash of asthma, brought on by stress, might also have played a role. The consensus was that the drinking was a contributing factor. Our sympathies go to the gentleman's bride and other loved ones. | 後來醫生認為死因不只是因為酒;嚴格來說,那名男子死於心臟病。由於死者有氣喘病史,因此推測可能是壓力引起氣喘發作。不過大家一致認為喝酒也是一個原因。我們向新娘和其他深愛新郎的人致上哀悼之意。 | | The irony is that when Taiwanese friends lift their glasses to spur on others to enjoy themselves, occasionally with a hearty "gan bei" (bottoms up), they believe they are only doing their rightful duty as good hosts. | 諷刺的是,當台灣友人舉杯勸酒,偶爾來個痛快的乾杯時,他們認為自己只是盡地主之誼罷了。 | | Clearly, this well-intentioned gesture of hospitality may not be beneficial to the guest. Let me control my own drinking. Live and let live. You drink at your pace, and I'll drink at mine. | 顯然這種展現好客的善意對賓客來說,可能並無益處。我說讓我自己控制我的酒量。咱們井水不犯河水,你愛怎麼喝就怎麼喝,而我也照我的步調來喝。 | | The moment does arrive when, as our German friends say, "Genug ist genug." Enough is enough. | 一定會有這麼一刻,如同德國朋友所說:「夠了就是夠了」。 | | | >>單字 >>Podcast | | | |
| •微型保險 6月底出爐 經濟條件不好的人,其實對保險的需求相對更大,只是面臨沒有錢購買保險的窘境,「微型保單」就是藉由政策,讓買不起保險的人也能有保障作為後盾。•台北都會賞荷樂 最優雅的粉紅花景 夏日炎炎,正是賞蓮季節。無需南走白河或觀音,台北都會區一樣可以快意賞蓮。儘管台北市區內的蓮花池,不若台南白河來得壯觀,卻是最方便的賞荷去處。 | | | |
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由 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿 於 6/23/2009 01:07:00 上午 張貼在