Design trends? Design is the trend When asked about design trends, the only sensible answer is: DESIGN IS THE TREND. A design which fails to add value to the product can only be treated as decoration. The past 10 years has made me questioned about the future of design, when it seemed anything could be sold at an unjustifiable price by virtue of totally intangible properties, sometimes it is because of the trend or the branding that makes the original concept go wrong. Design must be recognized as the key tool to generate solutions, not just aesthetics. Desig thinking help consumers to understand the companies's product and services, bridging the communication between the seller and the buyer, forming "interaction design" How? Design is increasingly being used not just as a single, separate function inside an organization, but as a way of shaping it, tracking its path towards innovation. For a long while, this typical Italian entrepreneurial model has been used by small and medium companies guided by their innovative bosses who use their creativity as the company's main fuel to generate business. This model has evolved throughout the years, some bring terrific successes but some receive shameful failures, this model is yet to change again and it is transforming again to further extend the design function into the development of the whole business idea. This is also seen in sectors previously not linked to design as a traditional function, such as logistics, insurances, banking, and consumer goods (Che Banca!). Interestingly enough, trace or concept of the model is being applied to traditionally technology-based, multinational enterprises, which are gradually shifting from a product-centered to a user-centered vision, because they believe design thinking improves their users' understanding and the benefit to the business. Combining creativity and understand what customers want is really what "design trend" is about. Sounds easy? This is actually the hardest part to crack on. But this –it seems- is what designers are really good at. Indeed, this is some good news for designers, but they are likely to be requested to leave their ivory towers and merge their visions of the world with those of others. Designers are modern shepherds, using design as a tool to create trend, pointing the right direction for customers in this ever-changing world of consumerism. 設計趨勢?設計就是趨勢 每當被問起設計趨勢時,唯一合理的答案就是「設計就是趨勢」。 每一個設計都是在創造價值,而一個沒有用途的設計品,就只是一個裝飾品罷了。十年以來,我常問自己未來的設計趨勢是什麼?似乎所有產品都在一個沒有價值前提的情況下被賣出,有些時候甚至只是因為它的品牌名氣或只是目前潮流趨勢。但這是錯的!設計,是用來「解決問題」的關鍵工具,而不僅只是美學問題。 設計思考「Design Thinking」是讓消費者了解設計品本身以及設計公司所給予的服務,最重要的是公司和客人們溝通的橋樑,我們稱為「互動設計」。 怎麼做呢?設計,越來越受矚目,它在一家企業裡面不只一個用途,它已經變成去塑造公司的形象和成為創新力的墊腳石。 「如何使用設計」,一直以來都是一個典型義大利企業家的運作模式:中小型企業在有創造能力的領導者帶領下,使用「創造力」來做為經營方針。這個模式已經進化了許多年,有些為公司帶來成功,有些則帶來嚴重的負面影響。直到今天,這個模式已經成為經營理念不可或缺的元素。這個模式,已經滲透進去那些根本不關設計的行業裡面,例如:貨運、保險、銀行、消費物品(Che Banca!)。有趣的是,它已經開始在「以技術為基礎的國際企業」裡散播,從為產品為中心的思考轉移到以消費者為中心的思考,因為他們相信,設計思考有助於消費者的認識,加上創造力並了解顧客的需求,這就是所謂的設計趨勢。 事實上,聽起來似乎很難實行,但對設計師來說,這還是個好消息。不過如果要成功的話,設計師首先必須跳出他的「象牙塔」,設計師是現代的牧羊人,利用設計這個工具去創造趨勢,在這個不斷變動的消費社會中為消費者指引出一個正確的方向。 |