

2009年6月18日 星期四

[澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿] Dessert: The Last Indulgence

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2009/06/18 第34期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
本週課文介紹 Dessert: The Last Indulgence
Solar Power: Rising to Meet Energy Needs
Napping for Success
英語達人 英語達人
Vocabulary Focus front line, homage, subset ...
活動快遞 促銷商品

Dessert: The Last Indulgence
Dessert: The Last Indulgence

FOOD / 2009 June 22, 23

Even when money is tight, it seems we just can't do without sweets



The front line in America's battle to preserve its sanity, creative spirit and good cheer runs through places like Allen & Son Bar-B-Que in North Carolina, where regular customers know the menu will carry five or six pies, a half-dozen puddings and fruit cobblers, ice cream, cookies, and always the cream cheese pound cake with cream cheese icing…

Topic Talks for this article!

Solar Power: Rising to Meet Energy Needs
TECHNOLOGY / 2009 June 24, 25

One company's quest for environmental solutions to the energy crisis



Topic Talks for this article!

Napping for Success
SOCIETY / 2009 June 26, 27

Find out how a power nap may help improve your overall wellness



Topic Talks for this article! [詳全文]


Q1: lamentable (adj)
a) agreeable
b) joyful
c) rational
d) disappointing

Q2: in spades (idiom)
a) with force
b) in the extreme
c) through joking
d) full of hate



front line, homage, subset ...

front line (n phr)

the most visible or important position in any situation 最前線;戰線

The president is usually on the front line in any big problem.

homage (n)

a sign of deep respect and often praise shown for someone or something 敬意;尊敬

Martin Luther King Day is a day for Americans to pay homage to a great leader in the civil rights movement.

subset (n)

a small group that is contained within a larger group (集體中的)小項或亞組

Children are a subset of the many different people in our community.

niche (n)

a specialized area that is exactly suitable for a particular thing 利基;合適的地位

The computer company couldn't grow because only a small niche of people were able to use its products.

renewable (adj)

describes a form of energy that can be produced again as it is used 再生的;可更新的

The sun and wind are sources of renewable energy




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Q1: d Q2: b



一份由美國國家科學院委員會(National Academy of Sciences)所提出的報告,報告中指出在鑑識方面有太多的領域需要被改進。

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由 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿 於 6/18/2009 04:12:00 上午 張貼在 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿


