(★ 聽對話內容) 本週話題焦點:看電影 (電影欣賞)
Jack and Diane continue to discuss who won what awards on Oscar night. Jack 和 Diane 繼續討論奧斯卡頒獎典禮那晚誰得了什麼獎。 |
Diane: I haven't seen The Departed, but I read that it was a remake of a popular Hong Kong crime thriller. Diane:我還沒看過神鬼無間,不過我聽說他是改編自香港一部有名的犯罪驚悚片。
Jack: That's right. It's a movie about the mob. It won several awards including Best Picture. Jack:沒錯。那是一部有關犯罪集團的電影。它獲得了包括最佳影片等數個大獎。
Diane: Is that movie out on DVD yet? Diane:那部電影出了 DVD 了嗎?
Jack: I'm not sure. I'll check next time I go to the video store. Jack:我不確定。下次我去出租店的時候會注意看看。
Diane: I know that there is a soundtrack for that movie. I saw it in the record store last time I went. So who won for best performance by an actress in a leading role? Diane:我知道有那部電影的電影原聲帶。我上次去唱片行的時候有看到。那誰獲得最佳女主角獎啊?
Jack: I can't say for sure, but I think it was the actress who portrayed the queen of England. Jack:我不是很確定,不過我想好像是一個演英國女皇的演員。
Diane: I know which movie you're talking about. I don't think that one was shown in Taiwan. Diane:我知道你在說哪一部。我覺得那一部好像沒在台灣上映。
Jack: I don't remember seeing any advertisements for it either. Jack:我也不記得有看過關於它的任何廣告。
Diane: Who won for best animated film? Diane:那最佳動畫片是哪一部?
Jack: I have no clue. Those movies are for children! Jack:我不知道。那些電影是給小朋友看的!
Diane: No way! I love those kinds of movies. They are for the young and the young at heart! Diane:才不是呢!我很愛看那些動畫片。他們是給年輕人還有保有赤子之心的人看的
Jack: You're so childish! Jack:你好幼稚喔!
Diane: Just because I like animated films doesn't mean I'm immature. Diane:我愛看動畫片並不表示我不夠成熟。
重要字詞講解:1. thriller (n.) 驚悚片 例:I haven't seen The Departed, but I read that it was a remake of a popular Hong Kong crime thriller. (我還沒看過神鬼無間,不過我聽說他是改編自香港一部有名的犯罪驚悚片。) 例:My boyfriend really enjoys watching thrillers which I am not interested in at all. (我男朋友真的很喜歡看驚悚片,而我是對這種電影一點興趣也沒有。) 2. mob (n.) 犯罪集團 例:It's a movie about the mob. (那是一部有關犯罪集團的電影。) 例:Don't enrage the man with glasses who is the leader of the mob. (不要激怒那個戴著眼鏡的男人,他可是犯罪集團的老大。) 3. soundtrack (n.) (電影配樂)原聲帶 例:I know that there is a soundtrack for that movie.. (我知道有那部電影的電影原聲帶。) 例:The soundtrack of this movie is highly recommended by many famous music critics. (許多有名的樂評家都極度推薦這部電影的原聲帶。) 4. portray (v.) 扮演 例:I can't say for sure, but I think it was the actress who portrayed the queen of England. (我不是很確定,不過我想好像是一個演英國女皇的演員。) 例:The actress who portrayed a single mother in this film won for best supporting actress. (那位在電影裡扮演單身媽媽的女演員獲得最佳女配角獎。) 5. immature (adj.) 幼稚的;不成熟的 例:Just because I like animated films doesn't mean I'm immature. (我愛看動畫片並不表示我不夠成熟。) 例:I don't understand why he had such an immature response. (我無法理解為什麼他會有這麼幼稚的反應。)
小試身手 1. The leading man who ____ a police man who fought against the ____ in the film is a black man. (那個在電影裡扮演對抗犯罪集團的警察的男主角是一個黑人。) 2. Surprisingly, the ____ of the ____ is a best seller in Asia! (出人意外地,這部驚悚片的原聲帶在亞洲居然大賣!) 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1. The leading man who portrayed a police man who fought against the mob in the film is a black man. (那個在電影裡扮演對抗犯罪集團的警察的男主角是一個黑人。) 2. Surprisingly, the soundtrack of the thriller is a best seller in Asia!. (出人意外地,這部驚悚片的原聲帶在亞洲居然大賣!) 相關實用句型解析 1. 不知道 / 不了解 … s.b have no clue … 例:I have no clue. Those movies are for children! (我不知道。那些電影是給小朋友看的!) 例:He had no clue how hard it is to raise a child until he had one himself. (直到他自己有了小孩,他才了解要養育一個小孩有多困難。) 2. … 並不表示 … just because … doesn't mean … 例:Just because I like animated films doesn't mean I'm immature. (我愛看動畫片並不表示我不夠成熟。) 例:Just because they live in America doesn't mean they can speak fluent English. (他們住在美國並不表示他們會說流利的英文。) 小試身手 1. 他們不知道站在他們面前的這個女人就是這家公司的總裁。 _____________________________________________________________________ 2. 你幫我過一次忙並不表示你可以要求我去做我不是真的很想做的事。 _____________________________________________________________________ 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1. They had no clue that the woman standing in front of them is the president of this company. 2. Just because you did me a favor once doesn't mean you can ask me to do what I don't really want to do! | |