

2009年6月14日 星期日

[澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿] You Can Be An Artist Too!╱您也可以是藝術家!

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2009/06/15 第19期∣訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱
You Can Be An Artist Too!
【Text by Fu-Ju Lin;Photos by Jessica Lin and Chung-Hui Pao】

Come to the Arts and Education Center in Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts

Take advantage of the great museum resources and you can realize your dream of becoming an artist!

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts

You may have noticed the "Arts and Education Center" next to the galleries on the 1st Floor of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts. As implied in its name, the Arts and Education Center is an art learning center where professionals use museum resources and transform art into educational activities.

When Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts first opened, planning the Arts and Education Center began then was established in 1997. It offers exhibitions, lessons, and hands-on activities using simple illustrations to explain profound art theories so the public is able to understand more sophisticated arts.

Currently, the Arts and Education Center includes a Sculpture Classroom and a Block Printing Classroom. Visitors can learn about the processes of sculpture and block printing creations. They can also try creating their own pieces with guidance and explanations from volunteer professionals.

In the Sculpture Classroom, one can learn that sculpture has two different techniques - carving and casting, and several different styles, such as circular carving, relief sculpture, and openwork carving. Instructed by volunteers, one can build an armature with old newspaper and hemp ropes and start framing the sculpture he or she has in mind, and then make a plaster sculpture by casting the plaster with gauze or even by direct modeling. Within 2 hours, one can carve a sculpture of his/her own.

A volunteer instructor, who is the head of the Resource Classroom, said that hands-on activities are more valuable than pure observation because students can touch various sculpting materials with their own hands, which helps increase their sense of arts and stimulate more imagination and creativity.

The Block Printing Classroom introduces different techniques such as relief, gravure, and lithography. The center also introduces traditional Chinese New Year block printings, which are especially promoted and preserved by Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts given the declining of folk crafts. During every Chinese New Year holiday, one can participate in the museum-organized "DIY - Chinese New Year Block Prints" event. Throughout the year, one can also learn how to create block prints in the Arts and Education Center.

Simply call and make a reservation in advance if you want to join the activities offered by the Arts and Education Center. Reservations can be made for schools, day-care centers, other groups, and even individuals as long as there are volunteers working. Spend three hours in this free, open, and interactive education space - you will have a great time learning and creating your own piece of art to take home!

Arts and Education Center contact number: 07-555-0331 ext. 262


加入高美館 美術資源教室













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由 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿 於 6/14/2009 07:20:00 下午 張貼在 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿


