

2009年2月18日 星期三

[澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿] NEWSworthy Clips

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2009/02/19 第17期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
本週課文介紹 NEWSworthy Clips
Freewheeling Portland
英語達人 英語達人
Vocabulary Focus counterfeit, encode, viable...
活動快遞 促銷商品

NEWSworthy Clips
NEWS / 2009 February 23 –26

More women become vets, math gets a makeover, and more



A small Illinois-based technology company is targeting the multibillion-dollar counterfeit drug business by being able to identify every manufactured capsule, tablet and vial.

"We can encode a million tablets in an eight-hour shift without slowing normal production," said James Hussey, chief executive of NanoInk Inc., which specializes in nanometer-scale manufacturing for the life science and semiconductor industries…

Freewheeling Portland
TRAVEL / 2009 February 27, 28

This city of public transportation is a treat for tourists —and the environment


這個大眾運輸四通八達的都市不但是觀光客的福音,也有益環保... [詳全文]


Q1: intensively (adv)
a) thoroughly
b) faithfully
c) sickly
d) incorrectly

Q2: obscure (adj)
a) trusting
b) healthy
c) proud
d) unknown



counterfeit, encode, viable...

counterfeit (adj)

made to look like the original of something, usually for dishonest or illegal purposes 偽造的;假裝的

The criminals made counterfeit money.

encode (v)

to put into something coded information that can only be seen or understood through the use of specialized equipment 編碼

Jimmy encoded the disc so that it could only be used on his computer.

viable (adj)

able to work as intended or able to succeed 可實行的;可存活的

The scientist wanted to know whether his experiment was viable or not.

freewheeling (adj)

not limited by rules or accepted ways of doing things 隨心所欲的;不受約束的

Old people do not understand the youth's freewheeling lifestyle.

blow through (phr v)

to go very quickly through something without stopping 迅速通過

Jane's son blew through the house just to get his cell phone and then left again.



彭蒙惠英語Advanced【雜誌+ Super光碟】合訂本(2008下半年)

售價:NT$ 790 元

Cyber Village 虛擬英語村 <人氣登場! > 售價:NT$ 300 元

文法片語相見歡II 特價:售價:NT$ 150 元

Jungle Cafe 棒球帽組(卡其色) 售價:NT$ 450 元


Q1: a Q2: d


6要領 認識水解蛋白配方奶

台中.東勢石岡 自然共生農場體驗

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udnfamily : news | money | stars | job | data | paper | reading

由 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿 於 2/18/2009 10:13:00 上午 張貼在 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿


