

2009年4月5日 星期日

[澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿] Bark A Non-profit Organization Helping Stray Animals╱流浪動物的守護神 B...

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2009/04/06 第14期∣訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱
Bark A Non-profit Organization Helping Stray Animals
【Text/Ya-Ting Hou;Photos/courtesy of Chris Leroux】

Five years ago, Chris Leroux moved from Canada. He came to Taiwan to teach English. He gets a great deal of satisfaction from his work in Taiwan and he truly appreciates seeing his students' progress.

When Chris first came to Kaohsiung, finding western food was his biggest challenge. These days he enjoys fried rice and local buffet restaurants. Since Chris hails from rural Canada, he particularly likes outdoor activities. He also really likes Southern Taiwan's wonderful weather and beaches. In the summer, Chris goes to the beach in Kenting. In the winter, he enjoys the hot springs in Maolin. He also enjoys Kaohsiung's convenient lifestyle, particularly 24-hour convenience stores. When his friends visit, he takes them on temple tours to places like Lotus Pond and Fo Guang Shan Monastery.

Chris and his wife, Natasha, started Bark by rescuing strays, taking in many animals off the streets. They continued to take in more and more animals until they realized that they were spending all their money. Chris and Natasha began to look for more people to help out with the strays. As they found more volunteers and support from the community, they were able assist a greater number of animals. Chris stresses that people and animals depend on each other. In 2006, they founded the non-profit organization-Bark. Bark helps mostly sick, injured and abused animals. They believe that it is unnecessary and a great injustice to abandon or abuse animals. Their philosophy: Treating animals kindly will make our world a better place. To date Bark has helped more than 200 dogs and cats and 1 rooster.

Bark Taiwan also operates a CNR program: Catching, neutering, and returning stray animals to the area where they were captured. Chris remarked that the best way for people to help strays is to rescue one from the street themselves and take it home, or to help Bark find good homes for other rescued pets. For those that are interested in adopting a pet and giving an animal a home, Bark Taiwan holds a "Pet Adoption Day & Flea Market Fund Raiser", most Sundays from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. It is held at No. 180, Bo-ai 3rd Road. Animal lovers will enjoy finding their new pet at these events. For more information, go to: www.bark-taiwan.org

流浪動物的守護神 Bark 動物基金會
【文/侯雅婷;照片提供/Chris Leroux】

加拿大籍的Chris Leroux居住在高雄有5年之久,目前他在學校教授英文,他說每隔一段時間都可以觀察到學生們在課業上的進步,這是這份教職工作帶給他最大的成就感。


Chris和太太Natasha觀察到高雄的街上總有許許多多的流浪動物。一開始,Chris和Natasha會將需要幫助的流浪動物帶回家,但是他們很快地將所賺來的錢都花費在收養的流浪動物身上,Chris表示,因為人和動物是互相依存,所以開始尋求更多的人能一起加入他們,希望結合更多人的力量,幫助更多需要幫助的流浪動物,因此他們在2006年創立了Bark Taiwan動物基金會,Bark Taiwan這個非營利組織幫助的對象大部份是生重病、受傷或受虐的流浪貓、狗。因為他們相信虐待動物是不應該也是不正義的行為,善待動物,將讓世界變得更美好!到目前為止,Bark Taiwan已經幫助了約200隻動物和1隻公雞。

Bark Taiwan的運作程序是先捕捉需要幫助的動物,再予以醫治,然後再讓動物回到原本的生活環境。Chris表示幫助這些流浪動物最好的方法就是認養他們,為它們提供一個家。

Bark Taiwan動物基金會在每個星期天下午3點至7點在博愛三路180號舉辦跳蚤市場為流浪動物募款,喜愛動物的您也可前往認養流浪動物。更多資訊,請參考http://www.atkaohsiung.org/。






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由 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿 於 4/05/2009 07:10:00 下午 張貼在 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿


