Homeless boy experiences simple happiness | 「無家可歸的中學生」體驗單純的快樂 | |
'Homeless Boy' is adapted from an autobiographical best-seller written by Tamura Hiroshi, a young, successful and prosperous Japanese comedian. It's not an epic—no heroes, no dragons, swords and magic; it's simply a story about a 14-year-old boy who faces unexpected poverty and about selfless love among siblings. | 「無家可歸的中學生」改編自功成名就、年輕富有日本搞笑演員田村裕的暢銷自傳。這並不是一部史詩電影,裡面沒有英雄、龍、刀劍與魔法;它只是關於一名十四歲男孩意外陷入貧窮,以及手足間無私親情的故事。 | |
"You all, take care of yourselves, dismissed!" says Hiroshi's single father, who then turns around and leaves with his old bicycle, leaving his three children behind. Their house has been seized by the authorities due to their father's bankruptcy. | 田村的單親爸爸在說了「你們自己照顧自己,解散!」後,轉身騎著老舊腳踏車離開,丟下三名子女。由於父親破產,他們的房子已被沒收。 | |
Hiroshi, not wanting to cause any trouble to his older brother and sister, lies to them, saying he's going to live in a friend's house, but actually he has nowhere to go except a park nearby. He eats cardboard and weeds, drinks fountain water and rain, and fights with little kids to defend his 'home.' | 不想為哥哥與姊姊添麻煩的田村,跟他們說謊要去朋友家住,但他除了附近的公園以外,已走投無路。他以厚紙板與雜草為食,喝著噴泉水與雨水,並和小朋友打架以「保衛家園」。 | |
As Hiroshi and his siblings try to make a better life for themselves, they cherish things that we consider 'deserved' and 'standard.' And because of their dire circumstances, the siblings become closer than ever before. | 在田村與手足試圖改善自己生活的過程中,他們格外珍惜我們認為「理所當然」與「平凡」的事物。由於他們的處境困難,三人的關係變得更親密。 | |
Twenty-two-year-old Japanese idol Koike Teppei plays the main character, fourteen-year-old Hiroshi. He looks and acts younger than his age and fully gets into character by actually eating cardboard and weeds. For his performance, he won the 2008 Japanese Oscar for the best new actor award. | 廿二歲的日本偶像小池徹平飾演十四歲的主角田村裕,他的外貌與舉止比他的實際年齡小,他也真的吃下厚紙板與雜草,充分融入這個角色。小池也以這次演出,榮獲二ΟΟ八年日本奧斯卡金像獎最佳新進演員獎。 | |
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