

2009年4月29日 星期三

[澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿] The Arctic's Coolest Wildlife

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2009/04/30 第27期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
本週課文介紹 The Arctic
Aquarium Diving
英語達人 英語達人
Vocabulary Focus barren, lasso, nestle
活動快遞 促銷商品

The Arctic
TRAVEL / 2009 May 4-6

Take a tour of northern Norway to sneak a peek at the local wildlife



Norway's Svalbard Archipelago, situated some 600 miles south of the North Pole, is one of Europe's last major wilderness areas. Two-thirds of this High Arctic area is permanently covered in ice and snow, but come summer, wings and webbed feet bloom on this frozen land…

Aquarium Diving
ADVENTURE / 2009 May 7-9

Swim with zebra sharks and dozens of different fish without going to the sea


不用大老遠跑到海裡,也能和大虎鯊及數十種魚兒共游喔... [詳全文]


Q1: thwart (v)
a) hide
b) stumble
c) help
d) prevent

Q2: buck up (idiom)
a) hike up
b) throw up
c) cheer up
d) pay up



barren, lasso, nestle

barren (adj)

unable to produce plants or fruit 荒蕪的;貧瘠的

This land is barren. It would be a very bad place to start a garden.

lasso (v)

to catch an animal by throwing a rope that is shaped in a ring at one end over the animal's head and then tightening the rope around its neck 用套索捕捉

The bull was trying to escape, so Sandy lassoed it and took it back to the farm.

nestle (v)

to be in a protected or sheltered position, with bigger things around it 位於受遮蔽之處;安頓於

Tina,s home is nestled in the forest. It looks so cozy surrounded by nature.

intimidated (adj)

frightened or nervous because you are not confident in a situation 害怕的;受到恐嚇的

Jack was intimidated when he met his girlfriend's family. He worried that they wouldn't like him.

in a manner of speaking (idiom)

one way to say something; so to speak 可以這樣說;可謂

My grandpa has a good head on his shoulders, in a manner of speaking. Actually, he's one of the smartest people I know.




售價:NT$ 199 元

SPEAKWELL商務會話合輯 售價:NT$ 1300 元

第二集: 妹妹Sarah(中英文雙語版有聲書) 售價:NT$ 299 元

全民英檢逼真模擬測驗中級第一∼第四回 售價:NT$ 640 元


Q1: d Q2: c




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由 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿 於 4/29/2009 11:15:00 上午 張貼在 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿


