|  |  | 每週 一 ∼ 五 出刊.2009.04.17 | | | |  |
| | Life and Language (West) (Part 10 of 12)
| No discussion of the West would be complete without mention of food. Words for foods of immigrant cultures can now be found in many grocery stores. Typical American housewives can buy pesto, tomatillos, focaccia, bok choy and tofu. As un-American as these may sound, foods such as these appear more and more often in dishes on menus in restaurants, particularly in California and the Pacific Northwest. 如果不提到食物,就無法完整的討論西部。現在在許多食品雜貨店,可以發現移民文化帶來的飲食字眼。典型的美國家庭主婦可以買到pesto醬(義大利麵調味醬之一),墨西哥櫻桃,義大利圓麵包,白菜和豆腐。即使這些食物聽起來一點也不美國化,但它們卻愈來愈常出現在餐廳的菜單上,特別是在加州和西北太平洋區。 |  | | CAN YOUR FAVORITE COLOR DETERMINE YOUR PERFECT JOB? | | | | Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast. It is not proud. 愛是恆久忍耐, 又有恩慈. 愛是不嫉妒, 愛是不自誇, 不張狂. |  | | | | | PChome ePaper 電子報版權所有,關於電子報發送有任何疑問,請聯絡 客服中心 | |  |
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