accessible (adj)
able to be reached or easily obtained 容易到達的
The island is only accessible by boat. It doesn't have an airport.
picturesque (adj)
for a place to be attractive in appearance, especially in an old- fashioned way風景如畫的;美麗的
They are looking for a picturesque place to go on vacation because they both enjoy beautiful scenery.
stellar (adj)
of an extremely high standard 傑出的;出色的
Mandy gave a stellar performance last night at the play. I didn't know she was such an amazing actor.
burnout (n)
extreme tiredness usually caused by working too much 倦怠;燒盡
Roger's new job is giving him burnout because he works 14 hours every day and never has time to rest.
pantheon (n)
beginning to develop or show signs of future success in a particular area 萌芽的;含苞待放的
Joe hopes the budding success of his new company will last forever.