overwhelming (adj)
very great or strong; difficult to fight against 壓倒性的;莫大的
The overwhelming smell of the stinky tofu made Jake leave the table.
dwell on (phr v)
to think or talk about a particular subject for too long, especially one that is unpleasant or not important any more 老是想著;細思
Albert tries not to dwell on negative things in the past because he can't change them now.
get a kick out of (idiom)
to enjoy doing something very much 得到極大樂趣
Peter gets a kick out of watching his favorite baseball team win.
distraught (adj)
extremely worried, anxious or upset 極度煩惱的;心煩意亂的
Mary is very distraught because she has a difficult exam tomorrow.
wrapped up in (phr v)
to be completely preoccupied by or intensely involved in something 專注於…;完全投入於…
Tom was so wrapped up in his work that he didn't have time to eat dinner with his family.