Promoting baseball in Taiwan | 振興台灣棒球 | | Taiwan used to be a baseball power. That's why Premier Liu Chao-shiuan was "shocked" when Chinese Taipei was washed out in the first round of the World Baseball Classic in Tokyo and decided to launch a four-year NT$1.26 billion crash project to promote what fans love to call Taiwan's national sport. | 台灣曾經是棒球王國,而那正是行政院長劉兆玄之所以對中華隊在東京世界棒球經典賽第一回合即遭淘汰「深感震驚」的原因,他並決定斥資新台幣十二億六千萬元發起四年速成計畫,以振興球迷口中的台灣國球運動。 | | There is nothing wrong with the ambitious project to regain Taiwan's lost baseball glory, except that the government now ill-affords the money it wants to spend on the promotion of the sport. | 台灣想重拾棒球榮耀的遠大計畫並沒有錯,只是政府現在根本負荷不了振興棒球運動所需的經費。 | | Let us apologize for forgetting to mention the lofty goals Premier Liu wishes to achieve through the implementation of the baseball promotion master plan. He wants Taiwan to enter the finals of Asian and world baseball championships and capture at least a silver medal and compete in every World Baseball Classic. | 未提及劉揆希望透過這個棒球振興計畫達成的高遠理想,我們致上歉意。劉揆希望台灣能在亞洲與世界棒球比賽中進入決賽,而且至少拿面銀牌,同時能出戰屆場世界棒球經典賽。 | | But there's no need for any government—save, of course, totalitarian regimes—to waste a great deal of taxpayers' money to promote a national sport or two. | 不過沒有一個政府有必要花一大筆納稅人的錢來振興一、兩項國家運動,當然,極權政體除外。 | | Instead of focusing too much on national pride, it would be better to concentrate on enjoyment of the sport itself. By encouraging businesses to support the sport and making it easier for young people to pursue an interest in it, it may perhaps be possible for Taiwan baseball to gradually regain its former glory. | 與其過度強調國家尊嚴,倒不如將焦點擺在享受這種運動的樂趣上。藉由鼓勵企業贊助這項運動,而且讓年輕人更容易追求棒球夢,也許台灣棒球就有可能漸漸贏回過去的榮耀。 | | | >>單字 >>Podcast | | | |
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由 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿 於 5/12/2009 01:36:00 上午 張貼在