

2009年6月10日 星期三

[澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿] How to Find Work You Love

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2009/06/11 第33期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
本週課文介紹 How to Find Work You Love
NEWSworthy Clips
英語達人 英語達人
Vocabulary Focus align, proficiency, heed...
活動快遞 促銷商品

How to Find Work You Love
SPEED REVIEW / 2009 June 15-17

The five Ps that could help you find passion in your work



All employees, managers and leaders need to find meaning in their work to get the most out of their skills and talents. To help them align their passions, proficienciesand priorities, business consultant Lawler Kang offers business-based exercises and a five-step process for discovering a better way to work and live. Kang writes, "You create your destiny, ... you control the time and terms of your life, and you have an innate responsibility to yourself and the world to heed this call, and heed it with passion"...

Topic Talks for this article!

NEWSworthy Clips
NEWS / 2009 June 18-20

Treatment for the common cold, secrets for dairy farmers, and Habitat for Humanity



Topic Talk [詳全文]


Q1: maximize (v)
a) shorten
b) fight
c) sympathize
d) increase

Q2: drift off (v phr)
a) fall asleep
b) sail away
c) knock out
d) move on



align, proficiency, heed...

align (v)

to bring the different parts of something into orderly position 把…排列;對齊

Scott tries to align his class schedule, his soccer practice and his music lessons so there are no conflicts.

proficiency (n)

the quality of having great skills, competence and experience 精通;熟練

Jacky was hired because of his proficiency in Japanese, English and Chinese.

heed (v)

to pay attention to something, especially advice or warning 留心;注意

Ben told Rob to wait a few years before getting married. Rob didn't heed his advice.

round up (phr v)

to gather people, cattle or things together in a group 召集;圍捕

We need to round up the rest of our family so we can take a picture together.

sniffle (v)

to breathe in quickly and repeatedly through the nose, usually because of sickness or emotion (因感冒或哭泣) 頻頻以鼻子吸氣

The sniffling boy was sent home from school.



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Q1: d Q2: a



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由 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿 於 6/10/2009 11:30:00 上午 張貼在 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿


