| Shortening Attention Spans | SOCIETY / 2009 March 16, 17 Is the Internet affecting our ability to concentrate? 誰害我們專注時間縮短? 網路是否影響到我們專注的能力呢? The words are almost absurdly provocative: "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" reads the title Atlantic Monthly has used to draw attention— successfully—to Nicholas Carr's new article. Yes, you suppose, it may be, especially after you read a headline like that on a piece that's a lot more subtle and thought-provoking… | | | Family Skateboarding | | SPORTS / 2009 March 18, 19 Looking for a new hobby? A trip to the skate park is fun for the entire family 全家滑板總動員 想培養新嗜好嗎?全家到滑板場同樂吧!... | | | | Amazing Aerogel | SCIENCE / 2009 March 20, 21 Discover a substance that collects space particles flying faster than a speeding bullet 神奇的氣凝膠 見識這種能捕捉速度比子彈還快的高速飛行太空粒子的物質... [詳全文] | | | | | |
英語達人 | | Q1: covet (v) a) desire b) repair c) conceal d) resist
Q2: jump on the bandwagon (idiom) a) dive into the pool b) forget the past c) blow a horn d) follow a trend
解答請至《活動快遞》 | | | absurdly, thought-provoking, metaphorically... | | absurdly (adv) ridiculously 可笑地;荒謬地 Jennifer thought the small handbag in the store was absurdly expensive.
thought-provoking (adj) making people think a lot about a subject 引人深思的 The professor's thought-provoking class gave his students much to discuss.
metaphorically (adv) in a manner that describes something by referring to something else that has similar characteristics 比喻地;隱喻地 Jonah spoke metaphorically when he said New York City was a jungle.
navigate (v) to carefully make your way across something, usually with difficulty 通過;航行 George needs a map to navigate around the city.
fine-tune (v) to make very small changes to something in order to make it work as well as possible 微調;調整 The groom wants to fine-tune his speech until it's perfect.
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•恆春半島遊 豪華冒險版 墾丁、海角七號、國寶……你一定受不了這些被喊到快爛的名詞,換個角度、更用心去體會,我們找到另一個版本的恆春和墾丁。•火燒心得了什麼病? 胸口有灼熱感,好像有把火在燒,又稱「火燒心」,是單純的胃酸逆流,還是可怕的癌症? | | | |
由 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿 於 3/11/2009 08:15:00 下午 張貼在