

2009年5月28日 星期四

[澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿] Smart Homes

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2009/05/28 第31期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
本週課文介紹 Smart Homes
Discover Tunisia
英語達人 英語達人
Vocabulary Focus flank, slab, outfit...
活動快遞 促銷商品

Smart Homes
DESIGN / 2009 June 1-3

Manage a home without lifting a finger



Just inside the first floor of Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry's Smart Home, a 20-year-old re-covered sofa flanks a cool-to-the-touch, ethanol-burning fireplace that floats in the middle of the room. A high-sheen, rough-edged slab of a fallen Michigan ash tree has been given new life as a sculptural table…

Discover Tunisia
TRAVEL /2009 June 4-6

This country will surprise you with beauty, history and culture




Q1: derive (v)
a) obtain
b) direct
c) resolve
d) leak

Q2: yield (n)
a) order
b) signal
c) amount
d) position



flank, slab, outfit...

flank (v)

to be at the side of something 位於…的側面

There are two large pillars flanking the entrance of my house.

slab (n)

a thick, flat piece of a solid substance, such as stone, wood or metal, which is usually square or rectangular 原木膘皮;厚板

Tiffany brought a big slab of clay because she likes to make pottery.

outfit (v)

to equip something with what is needed for a special purpose 裝備;配備

John outfitted his car with tires for the snow because he lives in Canada.

deter (v)

to prevent or discourage someone from doing something by making it difficult for them 制止;使斷念

The typhoon deterred Chris from going outside.

extensively (adv)

covering a large area or having a great range 廣泛地;大規模地

Cell phones are used extensively in many countries. Some people don't even have a landline at home.



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Q1: a Q2: c


水山支線 鐵道支線尋老神木


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由 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿 於 5/28/2009 07:34:00 上午 張貼在 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿


