(★ 聽對話內容) 本週話題焦點:聽音樂 (各種音樂類型)
Jeff and Kathy continue chatting about the kinds of music they both prefer. Jeff 和 Kathy 繼續聊到他們兩個喜歡的音樂類型。 |
Jeff: So what kind of music do you like? Jeff:那你喜歡哪一種類型的音樂?
Kathy: I was a big fan of electronic and techno music. I used to hit the night clubs every weekend and dance up a storm. Now I listen more to alternative and indie music. Kathy:我是超級電音迷。我以前每個週末都會去夜店熱舞。現在我較常聽另類搖滾和獨立搖滾樂。
Jeff: I can't stand techno music. I'd rather be executed than listen to techno! Jeff:我無法忍受電子音樂。我寧死也不要聽電音!
Kathy: Come on! Don't exaggerate. So what kind of music do you like? I bet you like country music. I know a lot of Americans love that kind of music. Kathy:拜託!沒那麼誇張。那你喜歡哪一種音樂?我猜你會喜歡鄉村音樂。我知道很多美國人喜歡那一類型的音樂。
Jeff: Not really. I enjoy some of the old country classics, but I'm not a fan of any of the recent stuff. I enjoy hard rock and some heavy metal. Jeff:那不盡然。我是滿喜歡一些經典的鄉村老歌,不過我不是現在任何主流音樂的樂迷。我喜歡的是重搖滾和一些重金屬音樂。
Kathy: What about rap or hip hop? Kathy:那饒舌或是嘻哈樂呢?
Jeff: I'm not interested in songs about gangsters and drive-by shootings. I was born and raised in the country and I think that people from an urban area can relate more to hip hop than I can. Jeff:我對於幫派和械鬥槍戰的這些歌沒什麼興趣。我是在鄉下出生長大的,我想都市地區的人們會比我更能認同嘻哈音樂。
Kathy: Hip hop is popular in Taiwan. Kathy:嘻哈音樂在台灣很流行。
Jeff: Well, I haven't seen too many cowboys or pickup trucks since I've been here. Jeff:這個嘛,自從我來到這兒以後,還沒看到過太多牛仔或是小貨車。
Kathy: You crack me up! Kathy:哈!笑死我了!
重要字詞講解:1. ...up a storm 瘋狂地;耗費精力地 例:I used to hit the night clubs every weekend and dance up a storm. (我以前每個週末都會去夜店熱舞。) 例:The girls are talking up a storm like there's nobody around them. (那些女孩聊天聊得很起勁,彷彿他們身邊都沒人一樣。) 2. techno music 電子音樂 例:I can't stand techno music. (我無法忍受電子音樂。) 例:To be honest, I am not used to listening to techno music at all. (老實說,我一點都聽不慣電子音樂。) 3. execute (v.) 將 … 處死 例:I'd rather be executed than listen to techno! (我寧願被處死也不要聽電音!) 例:The mob leader was going to executed. (那個犯罪集團的老大即將被處死。) 4. drive-by shooting 駕車開槍掃射攻擊 例:I'm not interested in songs about gangsters and drive-by shootings. (我對於幫派和械鬥槍戰的這些歌沒什麼興趣。) 例:Those innocent victims were wounded in a drive-by shooting. (那些無辜的受害者是在一場駕車開槍掃射攻擊中受傷的。) 5. pickup truck 小貨車 例:I haven't seen too many cowboys or pickup trucks since I've been here. (自從我來到這兒以後,還沒看到過太多牛仔或是小貨車。) 例:I might rent a pickup truck for moving next week. (下禮拜我可能會租台小貨車來搬家。) ※ 小叮嚀: "pickup trucks" 是指車子後方有一塊可載送貨物的平台。而此種貨車在美國西部的農牧場中常見,所以在對話中才會以 "cowboys" 和 "pickup trucks"作為是否有鄉村音樂的表徵。
小試身手 1. The prisoner who was recognized by a ____ ____ driver as one of those participating in the ____ ____ will be ____ today. (那個被小貨車司機指認為參與駕車開槍掃射攻擊之一的罪犯將在今天被處決。) 2. We danced ____ ____ ____ in that night club where ____ ____ was played all night. (我們在那間整晚都放電子音樂的夜店熱舞。) 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1. The prisoner who was recognized by a pickup truck driver as one of those participating in the drive-by shooting will be executed today. (那個被小貨車司機指認為參與駕車開槍掃射攻擊之一的罪犯將在今天被處決。) 2. We danced up a storm in that night club where techno music was played all night. (我們在那間整晚都放電子音樂的夜店熱舞。) 相關實用句型解析 1. 某人認同 / 欣賞 … sb. relate to... 例:I was born and raised in the country and I think that people from an urban area can relate more to hip hop than I can. (我是在鄉下出生長大的,我想都市地區的人們會比我更能認同嘻哈音樂。) 例:Some Western people can't relate to the custom that women in the Middle East have to cover themselves and are not allowed to show any part of their body. (一些西方國家的人無法認同中東的女人們必須遮蔽自己,且不被允許露出身體任何一部份的習俗。) 2. …使某人捧腹大笑 ...crack sb. up 例:You crack me up! (哈!笑死我了!) 例:The man we met yesterday is hilarious! He always can crack people up! (我們昨天遇到的那個男的超爆笑的!他總是可以讓大家笑到不行!) 小試身手 1. 很少有人能夠認同他常說的那些冷笑話。 _____________________________________________________________________ 2. 我室友很愛看那個每次都讓我們笑到快不行的電視節目! _____________________________________________________________________ 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1. Few people can relate to the silly jokes that he often told. 2. My roommate loves to watch the TV show that really cracks us up every time! | |