

2009年6月28日 星期日

[澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿] An Iconic Figure of American Pop Culture Andy Warhol in Kaohsiu...

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2009/06/29 第20期∣訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱
An Iconic Figure of American Pop Culture Andy Warhol in Kaohsiung
【Text by Hsin-Yi Peng Photos courtesy of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Chung-Hui Pao】

The "Pope of Pop - Andy Warhol World Tour Exhibition" is an event put together by a Spanish management company in honor of the late Andy Warhol's 80th birthday. It shows many art pieces borrowed from European and American museum collections. Taiwan had the honor of hosting the grand opening of the exhibition's Asian tour. The exhibition was received with much enthusiasm when it opened in Taipei earlier this year. Now, the exhibition is in Kaohsiung. From now until the 18th of May, the "Pope of Pop - Andy Warhol World Tour Exhibition" is here at Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts in its full splendor.

Andy Warhol (1928~1987) is the most important icon in pop art. His appeal as a dazzling, mystifying man in contemporary art history is no less than the legendary Pablo Picasso. As an accomplished artist, Andy Warhol excelled in many different art forms and was also a popular figure in real life. His talent was shown in his paintings as well as his avant-garde movies, records and many other platforms. He was also a well recognized writer and a celebrity, and was highly influential in both the fields of art and fashion.

In his early days, Andy Warhol worked as an illustrator for several fashion magazines in New York. His work won several awards, and eventually, he had his own personal exhibition in New York. In the fifties, he experimented with oil painting. In the sixties, he created a series of silk screen printed portraits of celebrities -Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Elizabeth Taylor, to name a few. His theme prints, such as the 82 dollar bills, the 12 Campbell Soup cans, and the 210 bottles of Coca Cola brought much discussion and controversy. The impact of Andy Warhol's work in visual art and media design continues to this day.

"Duplication" is a distinguished theme in Andy Warhol's work that sets him apart from the concept of art in the past. He believed adamantly that art and commercialism are not, and should not be, completely separated. His mass production of duplicated art pieces featuring celebrity images and commercial icons became a phenomenon due to his commercial and marketing strategy. In a few short years, he turned around the old stereotypical concepts about art and broke through the boundaries that used to separate design, advertisement, media, and commercialism. He left his mark on the future generations of contemporary artists, as well as the concept and methods of visual delivery and media design.

A series of some 30 candid portraits of the artist shot during the year 1975 by Italian photographer Dino Pedriali

This exhibition includes more than 120 pieces of Andy Warhol's most representative original work on different media from different periods; from the 1950s when he had just begun to form his own style, up to the 1980s. The exhibition also features a series of some 30 candid portraits of the artist shot in the year 1975 by Italian photographer Dino Pedriali. The audience will enjoy a glimpse of the unique glamour of the superstar artist, as well as the charm of pop art.

What is pop art?

Pop art is a new movement in art started in the 1950s. The idea of pop art is a rebellion against the design of modernism. Pop artists took everyday elements in popular culture as the base material of their creations. Their work cast a long and strong influence in Hollywood movies, rock-n-roll, and commercial culture, especially in fashion.

Pope of Pop - Andy Warhol World Tour Exhibition.

Exhibition dates: April 11th to May 18th, 2009
Location: Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Gallery 101~103
Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts official website: http://www.kmfa.gov.tw

美國普普文化的代表人物 安迪.沃荷在高雄


安迪.沃荷(Andy Warhol,1928∼1987)是普普藝術中最具代表性的人物,也是現代藝術史上最耀眼、最具傳奇性的藝術家之一,其重要性不亞於畢卡索。安迪.沃荷生前活躍於多重藝術與社交圈,不但是畫家,也拍攝前衛電影、製作唱片,還是個作家與社交名人,事實上,安迪.沃荷影響力橫掃藝術與流行界。



此次展出120多件安迪•沃荷的原作,包含其自1950年代發跡至1980年代期間各個時期、不同媒材的代表作品。此外,由義大利攝影師迪諾•佩德里亞力(Dino Pedriali)在1975年側近安迪•沃荷所拍攝的一系列30多幅紀實照片,也一起展出,讓觀眾亦能感受這位藝術巨匠的獨具風采與普普藝術的魅力。






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由 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿 於 6/28/2009 09:27:00 下午 張貼在 澎湖民宿。夏天來了民宿


